About the Happiness Insiders™ community
As you know, I write and post a lot about following your heart and doing what you’re here (on Earth) to do.
Inevitably, I’ll get replies from people telling me that they don’t know what their purpose is.
And look, I’m not one of those spiritual teachers who thinks that everybody needs to be out there following their purpose.
But… for those of you who feel like you want to be doing more, I want to help you identify what your purpose could be and cultivate enough fearlessness to be able to follow it.
I guess you could say that my purpose is helping you find and follow your purpose.
And here’s the thing: only you can know what your purpose is. No one else can tell you what it is… not even me.
But what I can do is show you some tangible practices for discovering your purpose, overcoming fear, being more grateful, and cultivating happiness within.
And while you’re going through your process of, I can hold you accountable.
That’s why I created The Happiness Insiders community. I feel like the one thing most people are lacking on their spiritual path is instruction, community, and accountability.
Without those three things, it’s hard to convert what we know intellectually (or believe to be true) into actual experience.
Granted, if you’re struggling to get your basic needs met, or if the idea of living your purpose is not yet a big enough priority, then this may not be the community or the time for you…
But, if you’ve been super curious about what you’re here on Earth to do, and you want to get the most out of each day by fulfilling your purpose, then The Happiness Insiders is designed to help you do just that.
The secret about our purpose is that it’s often hiding in plain sight. And once we create the inner conditions to see it, our purpose will reveal itself in the most obvious way.
So that’s what this community is about—creating those internal conditions and providing you with consistent practices for cultivating it even more.
The caveat: once you see your purpose, you can’t unsee it… which means the next step is doing something about it. And the masterclasses in this community will also help you create an action plan for moving boldly in the direction of your purpose.
That’s why this community is not only a game-changer, it’ll be a life-changer. After taking the first couple of masterclasses (the 7-Day Meditation Kickstart and Finding Your Purpose), your life literally won’t be the same.
I publish a new masterclass every six weeks, with a new module posted every Tuesday. But you can take the inner happiness curriculum at your own pace.
By the end of each masterclass, you will have more tools for cultivating happiness within in real-time and in tangible ways. And the best part is I’ll be there to answer your questions and verify your experiences.
Plus, you’ll have a safe community of like-minded folks to support you and hold you accountable to a few simple daily exercises for cultivating the awareness to see and fulfill your purpose.
If all of this sounds appealing, CLICK HERE to enroll in the community and get started down your intentional path of cultivating more happiness within.
“But what if I don’t have the time?” some say.
Do you have time to lead your life from an unfulfilled place? Here’s the thing: if you think you need more free time before you can start cultivating happiness within, you’re falling for one of the biggest misconceptions about inner work. It’s not a schedule-dependent process - meaning, life isn’t going to slow down for you to start getting happier within.
The idea is to be able to cultivate inner happiness while you’re busy. Because if that’s the case, you’ll know for sure that you’ve found it. And over time, you’ll begin filtering out the unimportant stuff and replacing it with more relevant behaviors and activities for sustaining your inner happiness.
It’s a gradual process that takes time.
So the sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll start cultivating happiness in the midst of whatever else you have going on now. And the sooner you’ll begin creating more spaciousness in your life, which will gift you with more time (and inclination) to do the things that align with the happiness you feel within. All that to say, don’t wait.
“But I don’t know enough about inner work to get started…”
There’s nothing you need to know. This process is about experience. Think of it like swimming. You can sit around theorizing and reading about swimming all day long. But you’re not going to learn how to do it until you get into a water and get a feeling for it.
So don’t think you’re not ready, or that what you’re doing now isn’t playing a role in helping you to move along your path, because it most likely is.
I’ll explain more in those first couple of masterclasses, so join the community now so you can begin to get a feeling for doing daily inner work, and you’ll begin the long process of cultivating happiness within.
I’ll be honest with you: it’s not going to be easy, BUT… I guarantee that taking an intentional step in the direction of cultivating more happiness within will be one of the most rewarding things you’ve ever done for yourself, for your community, and for the the world.
I look forward to seeing you in the Happiness Insiders Community. And I can’t wait to show you what I know about meditating, finding your purpose, overcoming fear, as well as answering your questions, and helping you get so much value out of this community that your life changes forever.
Join now
Much love,