208: Viral Commencement Speech with Chris Pan


(Transcript coming soon…)

208: Viral Commencement Speech with Chris Pan

Episode 208: Show Notes

 In this week’s episode of The Light Watkins Show, Light reconnects with Chris Pan, the founder of MyIntent and VOMO, for his third appearance on the show. Known for his mission-driven initiatives that spread the power of intention and promote emotional wellness through music and movement, Chris recently delivered a commencement speech at Ohio State University that garnered intense public scrutiny.

 Chris Pan's speech at Ohio State was anything but ordinary. Intended to offer unconventional wisdom and personal truths, the speech included topics like Bitcoin and the importance of emotional health. Despite his good intentions, the reaction was polarized, with some labeling it the "worst commencement speech ever." Chris faced boos from the audience and harsh criticism in the media, but he remained steadfast in his message.

In this episode, Chris shares with Light the intricate process of crafting his speech. He talks about using psychedelics for creative inspiration and his commitment to discussing what he believes are crucial considerations for graduates. Chris also opens up about the real-time feedback he received, including both negative and positive reactions, and how he managed to navigate the aftermath of such a high-profile event.

The conversation delves into the broader implications of nontraditional approaches in public speaking and the courage required to break from the norm. Chris's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity and the impact of following one's heart, even in the face of adversity. Listeners will gain insight into Chris's dedication to helping others achieve financial, emotional, and spiritual freedom through his innovative projects.

 Whether you agree or disagree with Chris's methods, this episode offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and rewards of taking bold, unconventional steps.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Chris Pan's Journey: Exploration of Chris Pan's journey as the founder of MyIntent and VOMO, and his dedication to spreading the power of intention and emotional wellness.

  • Controversial Commencement Speech: The story behind Chris Pan's recent commencement speech at Ohio State University, which was labeled the "worst commencement speech ever" by some.

  • Preparation Process: Insight into Chris's unique preparation process, including his use of psychedelics for creative inspiration.

  • Key Topics: Discussion on the inclusion of unconventional topics in the speech, such as Bitcoin and the importance of emotional health through singing.

  • Public Reaction: The polarized reactions from the audience and media, including boos and harsh criticism, as well as the subsequent wave of positive feedback.

  • Multiple Perspectives: Chris's philosophy on embracing multiple perspectives and his decision to leave negative comments visible on his social media.

  • Authenticity and Courage: Exploration of the importance of authenticity and the courage required to take nontraditional approaches in public speaking.

  • Impact on Chris's Mission: How the commencement speech and the public reaction have fueled Chris's determination to help others achieve financial, emotional, and spiritual freedom.

  • Media Perception: Discussion on how media portrayal can differ from reality and the importance of doing one's own research.

  • Message of Love and Freedom: The core message of Chris's work and speech, emphasizing love, intention, and the removal of fear to achieve true freedom.



"If you're trying to uplift people, or if you're trying to write a message that uplifts people, like you have to be in a higher state to be able to then pull people up." — Chris Pan (@panchris)

“My goal wasn't to become the most popular person in Ohio. My goal there was to help people" — Chris Pan (@panchris)


"You only live once, and you might as well make the most of it." — Chris Pan (@panchris)


"The more my heart opened, the more and more that I realized my father only did what was done to him." — Chris Pan (@panchris)


"Focus on the desired outcome and don't be afraid. I think people live in fear and I think that's the biggest thing." — Chris Pan (@panchris)

"Always do the right thing. Always be planting seeds. You just never know what seed is going to turn into the oak tree." — Chris Pan (@panchris)