Ep 124: Total Body Beautiful with Desi Bartlett


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Ep 124: Total Body Beautiful with Desi Bartlett

Episode 124: Show Notes

Who we are as individuals are shaped as much by the good experiences in our lives, as the bad ones. And it’s important to acknowledge the full spectrum of events that shape us, even if it’s challenging or uncomfortable.

Our guest today, Desi Bartlett, is no stranger to this truth. Through her practice of meditation and movement, she has studied how to take powerful lessons from both the positive and negative aspects of her life and apply them as an author, fitness professional, woman, and mother.

In our conversation, Desi shares some of the details about her unstable upbringing, how she left home as a teenager, and why so much of what she does is in honor of her mother and her limitations as a parent. We delve into Desi’s journey with fitness, the transformative power of movement, and how her career has evolved since she first began to pursue fitness as a profession.

We also discussed Desi’s work as an author, the release of her latest book Total Body Beautiful, and her passion for empowering women through movement, yoga, meditation, and nutrition. For a wonderful conversation that will surprise and delight you with its thought-provoking insights and joyful advice, make sure you tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Introducing today’s guest, author, and fitness professional, Desi Bartlett.

  • Desi’s love of ballet as a child and her first experience with having a mantra.

  • How Desi’s mom instilled in her an openness to all religions and philosophies.

  • Why being service driven is integral to how Desi lives her life.

  • Desi’s time at college and the experience that altered her course of study.

  • Why Desi left her unstable home at 17 with the support of her relatives.

  • Desi’s meditation practice and how it has evolved throughout her life.

  • Desi’s journey to connect with her Mexican heritage and discover her siblings.

  • The story of how Desi opened up a gym in Mexico and reconnected with yoga.

  • Why Desi was inspired to help women relate more positively to their bodies and fitness.

  • How Desi started her pre-natal yoga program when she was pregnant with her first child.

  • The acronym MILF (Moms Into Living Fit) and why Desi reappropriated it for her brand.

  • Desi’s advice to anyone who wants to start a movement practice.

  • How to integrate meditation into your life as a busy mom.

  • Desi’s experiences as an author and her new book Total Body Beautiful.

  • The talented team behind Total Body Beautiful.

  • How Total Body Beautiful helps women over 35 with scientifically backed research.

  • Lessons that Desi has learned as a mom and her approach to parenting.

  • What it’s like introducing young children to meditation.

  • What inspired Desi to invent the round yoga mat ten years ago.


“One of the gifts that I feel like she gave me was her openness to all religions and all philosophies.” — @desibartlett  [0:08:36]


“What Jackie taught me was not only the joy of movement and how great it can feel to feel great, but also, the discipline of showing up every day, even if it's only 20 minutes a day.” — @desibartlett  [0:15:53]


“A lot of what I do now is in honor of my mother and how she could not show up. If I can show up and share some of what she couldn't share, then it's my privilege.” — @desibartlett  [0:18:59]


“If there's something that you're interested in, and you want to get your foot in the door, sometimes look for the jobs that nobody wants to do. If you can fall in love with that and excel at it, then you'll get to where you want to go.” — @desibartlett  [0:21:03]


“As an executive, as a manager, I always wanted to show up in service of those that were working with me, or for me. I had never micromanaged. I always came from a place of, how can I serve you? ” — @desibartlett  [0:33:04]


“If you're going to be caring for your child all day, every day and caring for yourself, and showing up as a wife and a mother and a friend, and now you're going to have another life inside of you, you got to have some energy.” — @desibartlett  [0:40:21]


“We wanted to help women through another transition of life with tools and techniques, and really, practical methods.” — @desibartlett  [0:50:38]


“For me, light is not the opposite of darkness. It's the opposite of fear. It's bringing in a sense of illumination and learning. That's what I see you doing, and I find your podcast and your message to be such a gift. Thank you for sharing your light.” — @desibartlett  [01:02:25]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Desi Bartlett

Desi Bartlett on LinkedIn

Desi Bartlett on Twitter

Your Strong, Sexy Pregnancy: A Yoga and Fitness Plan

Total Body Beautiful: Secrets to Looking and Feeling Your Best After Age 35

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial



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