Ep 88: Ziva Meditation with Emily Fletcher


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Ep 88: Ziva Meditation with Emily Fletcher

Episode 88: Show Notes

Emily is a meditation guru, founder of Ziva Meditation, and a published author with her new book Stress Less, Accomplish More! In our conversation with Emily, we cover some interesting background to her exceptional journey, talking about her childhood in Florida, moving to New York City, the sadness she was confronted with when she achieved her dreams.

Many meditation gurus and wellness teachers are not born into their roles, but find their calling through other work and the path that life takes them on. Our guest today is a great example of this trajectory.

Emily Fletcher believed from a very young age that all she was born to do was perform on Broadway, and for her younger years this is the path that she pursued and experienced a lot of success on. It was only with the realization of the disconnect between so-called success and happiness that Emily began to search outside of performance for her fulfillment. It was here that she found meditation.

Discover the events that led up to her finding meditation, and what turned her from a practitioner into a teacher. We learn why she retired from acting, and some of her dreams for the future. So, to hear all this and so much more from a truly inspiring friend, be sure to listen in!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Looking back on Emily's younger years in Florida, and her early attraction to theatre.

  • Emily's first experiences of Broadway and the shows that got her immediately hooked.

  • Lessons from Emily's parents about hard work and its rewards.

  • Early aspirations and thoughts on what success looked like as a performer.

  • How Emily managed to get a job on arrival in New York City and what this work meant to her.

  • The discovery that achieving a dream does not bring happiness; where Emily went from there.

  • Reflections on mentorship and who Emily modeled her acting career on.

  • How Emily was introduced to meditation and how it shifted everything in her life.

  • Emily's dad's death and the lasting impact he has had on how she viewed the world.

  • The first experiences that Emily had with a meditation community in LA.

  • The trip that Emily made to Rishikesh and how this led to her pursuing teaching meditation full-time.

  • The teachers and leaders who helped Emily's development and the guiding force of her own intuition.

  • The moment that Emily left her acting career behind!

  • Coming up with the name for Ziva, and what it means in Sanskrit.

  • The leap that Emily took opening her studio in New York City and the steps that led up to that.

  • Taking her teaching online and the conditions that allowed Emily to make this transition.

  • Emily's thoughts on what has made her work so impactful and her natural magnetism.

  • The lessons that Emily carried forward from her time on the stage into her teaching work.

  • Looking to the future with Emily and where she sees her practice going.

  • Emily's passion for sacred sexuality and her interest in further exploring tantra.

  • Divorce and meditation: the challenges that Emily faced and the gratitude she holds.

  • Dreams that Emily has at this point in her life: financial freedom, family, teaching, and more.

  • A little about the podcast that Emily is hoping to launch at some point during this year.


“The fact that I was making money and getting to be in front of an audience, it really helped me. It made things easier.” — @ZivaMeditation [0:27:58]

"I learned at a pretty young age that I was more interested in the happiness of pursuit than I was the pursuit of happiness." — @ZivaMeditation [0:30:42]

“There's really nothing that makes me more excited than someone’s ability to articulate nourishing, reuniting ideas about consciousness in flow state.” — @ZivaMeditation [0:45:01]

“I am pretty arrogant when it comes to what I think I can accomplish.” — @ZivaMeditation [0:49:55]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Light Watkins

Emily Fletcher on Twitter


Stress Less, Accomplish More

Robert Greene

Laura Benanti

The Secret

What the Bleep Do We Know

Joe Dispenza

The Celestine Prophecy

Alan Watts

Anthony Meindl's Actor Workshop


Oprah Chopra

Bliss More

Layla Martin

Regena Thomashauer

Pussy: A Reclamation

Diablo Cody


Jagged Little Pill


Gwyneth Paltrow

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community