Ep 75: The Magic of Surrender with Kute Blackson


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Ep 75: The Magic of Surrender with Kute Blackson

Episode 75: Show Notes

Today’s guest, Kute Blackson, is a transformational teacher, sought-after inspirational speaker, and bestselling author who is widely considered the next generation’s leader in the field of personal development.

Born in Ghana, Kute’s multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. With his background and experience laying the blueprint for his unique approach to liberating others.

Kute’s mission is simple: to awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically, and fulfill their true life’s purpose. In today’s episode, you’ll find out how he does this, how his upbringing informs the work he does today, and how meditation made it impossible for Kute to deny it when he realized that he wasn’t following his destiny.

You’ll also hear his incredible insights into success, service, and what he refers to as real greatness, as well as his belief in the power of daily commitment, reframing failure, and the infinite wisdom life offers us when we are willing to surrender.

Kute believes that our path requires less control and more surrender than we're usually comfortable with and, to allow it to unfold and align us with our deepest intentions, we have to become practiced at the art of letting go.

To learn more, make sure not to miss this inspiring conversation with transformational leader and exceptional storyteller, Kute Blackson!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • How Kute’s parents met and married without even meeting or speaking the same language.

  • Kute on his upbringing, which he says was devoted to service and “oriented to the divine.”

  • Hear about the deep desire he always had to help people and to make a difference.

  • The relationship he had (or didn’t have) with his father and why he felt like a social outcast.

  • How meditation made it impossible for Kute to deny that he was not following his destiny.

  • A reflection on young Kute’s concept of success and how it was related to self-sacrifice.

  • Another dimension of success that he dreamed of: impacting people and living in LA.

  • Kute tells the story of how he told his father he wasn’t going to follow in his footsteps.

  • Why he believes that you have to go through difficulty to fulfill your vision.

  • Moving to America with nothing at 18, and what it taught Kute about trusting in the universe.

  • How committing fully to something forces you to tap into an internal resource.

  • What his soccer coach, Mr. Johnson, taught Kute about commitment and “real greatness”.

  • The inner alignment that comes with committing to yourself, which generates internal power.

  • Why greatness is a moment-to-moment choice that you can make every single day.

  • Kute on why you should never underestimate the power of the small things.

  • Hear the story of how Kute approached Steven Spielberg at his kids’ soccer game.

  • Why Kute believes in the power of taking a leap of faith when you feel called to do so.

  • How he has had to reframe rejection and failure during his career.

  • Learn why Kute views what he does as sacred; soul evolution is not just a business!

  • What he means when he says “surrender” and some of the common misconceptions about it.

  • The paradigm shift that Kute sees happening, which 2020 and COVID form part of.

  • Why surrendering is not akin to laziness but aligning yourself with your deepest intentions.


“I always felt this deep desire as a young kid to help people and serve people, to make a difference. There was always a sense for me that my life wasn't really my life. It was somehow to be in service to humanity.” — @kuteblackson [0:15:00]

“The ways that we keep ourselves stuck as human beings are all the ways we don't tell ourselves the truth, all the ways we lie to ourselves, all the ways we rationalize, all the ways we pretend, all the ways we bullshit, all the ways we make excuses in our mind.” — @kuteblackson [0:27:53]

“That was success for me. It wasn't cars, or homes, or any of what we consider success today by material standards; it was a degree of being of service to humanity.” — @kuteblackson [0:32:20]

“Real success is learning the lessons for why your soul incarnated into this existence. Real success is being able to express your most authentic self to those around you. Real success is that realization of what you are and expressing that in the world.” — @kuteblackson [0:39:57]

“Dreams and visions are evolutionary. [They] will take us on the journey of having to evolve into and become and develop into the person that is capable, on a human level, of fulfilling the dream and the vision.” — @kuteblackson [0:42:17]

“Real greatness isn't because someone's watching. Real greatness isn’t because you're on TV, or on social media, or on a stage. Real greatness is how you live your life moment-to-moment. It's how you treat people.” — @kuteblackson [0:51:52]

“It's not the big things we do once in a while that make the difference. It's the small things we do consistently over time.” — @kuteblackson [0:56:59]

“It's when we [courageously] follow our soul that life begins to truly conspire and support us, maybe not in the ways we thought, but in the ways that we need.” — @kuteblackson [1:07:00]

“As coaches, as teachers, as yogis, as facilitators, we must come from the place of truly serving another soul, because what we do, what you do, what I do is not just a business. We are participating in another person's soul evolution.” — @kuteblackson [1:14:39]

“Surrender doesn't mean being lazy, sitting down, doing nothing. It means opening to life and surrendering to the deepest impulse and trusting that and moving in that direction. Then aligning one's actions and intention and strategy and resources with that deepest intention.” — @kuteblackson [1:20:48]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Kute Blackson

Kute Blackson on LinkedIn

Kute Blackson on Twitter

Kute Blackson on Instagram

Kute Blackson on YouTube

You Are the One

The Magic of Surrender

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