Ep 138: The Light Watkins Show with Light Watkins


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Ep 138: The Light Watkins Show with Light Watkins

Episode 138: Show Notes

In a creative landscape dominated by social media and online marketing, real and original artists can have a hard time finding their audience and maintaining a career. But that does not mean it is impossible, and today's guest is an example of how authenticity and hard work can pay off and allow a great connection with the right kind of audience.

Humble the Poet joins us for a fascinating conversation in which we explore his winding path, the ups and downs, and some of the pivotal moments that he has experienced. Now the author of three books, including his latest, How to Be Love(d).

Humble has so many great insights into this central topic of human life, and shares some of the lessons he has learned on his own journey about what we get wrong, why it feels so complicated, and what love actually means!

We also get to talk about some of the people that have helped Humble along the way, from friends and family to heroes and influences, before our guest leaves us with some great food for thought about radical honesty and success. To hear all this and so much more, be sure to listen in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Introducing the theme of Light’s 4th solo episode: Purpose.

  • The various topics he’s covered in his podcast thus far.

  • What purpose is and what it means to live your purpose.

  • Light’s personal journey of discovering his purpose.

  • How all our choices ultimately lead us to our purpose.

  • Our inherent need for tension.

  • How to determine when you’re misaligned with your purpose.

  • The importance of learning to trust your intuition.

  • The repercussions Light faced for ignoring his intuition in 2006, and the lessons he learned.

  • The biggest misconception about inner guidance.

  • The difference between tension and friction.

  • The direct relationship between trust and opportunities.

  • An overview of the book, Conversations with God, and the impact it had on Light.

  • The safety in uncertainty and the power of gratitude.

  •  The basis of Light’s no-complaint challenge.

  • The only person you should ever compare yourself to.

  • The common theme that runs through Light’s podcast interviews.


“This podcast is about highlighting people who have, in one way or another, lived a purposeful life to help other people in some form or fashion.” — @LightWatkins [0:06:25]

“I couldn't tell you where my purpose began, I can only know when I became aware of it. But looking at my entire trajectory, it's hard for me to say when I wasn't on my purpose because everything fed into whatever the next thing happened to be.” — @LightWatkins [0:12:31]

“There's this inherent need that we have as humans to not have everything perfect and to keep a little bit of that pilot light on inside that stokes our passion.” — @LightWatkins [0:14:22]

“Absolutely everything is negotiable. All you have to do is get on the phone with people and tell them the truth.” — @LightWatkins [0:24:03]

“Tension comes from not knowing how something is going to turn out. Friction comes from making whatever I'm doing harder than it needs to be.” — @LightWatkins [0:26:38]

“The moment I started to trust more in life, then it allowed me to be able to see more opportunities.” — @LightWatkins [0:29:06]

“We can never know what's being prevented. So no matter how bad it looks externally, you will never know what didn't happen as a result of you being in that situation.” — @LightWatkins [0:47:32]

“The only person that I want to compare myself with is the person that I was yesterday.” — @LightWatkins [1:00:07]

“You'll see that you'll always end up exactly where you need to be in hindsight.” — @LightWatkins [1:05:10]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Conversations with God

It's a Wonderful Life

The Alchemist

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

Light Watkins Email

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community