Ep 28: Just Be You with Mallika Chopra


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Living with Intent with Mallika Chopra

Episode 28: Show Notes.

Mindfulness, intention, and meditation might be common concepts in the Western world now, but this is a relatively recent development. Joining us on the show today to talk about these subjects and the important role that she and her family have played in the dissemination of these powerful tools, is Mallika Chopra.

We get to hear from Mallika about her interesting childhood, what is was like to watch her father Deepak's transformation through meditation, the power of her mother's steadfast strength, and how they all managed a most unusual familial arc.

Mallika shares many personal experiences from over the years, reflecting on what was normal to her, the difficult parts of her journey, and the lessons she learned around staying present and trusting the process.

Our conversation covers the cultural and racial divides she experienced from a young age, what it was like to become familiar with some of the most famous people in the world during the '90s, and the decisions that Mallika made that have the most resonance for her now.

From working for MTV and running the Heal the World Foundation to studying and raising children, Mallika has had a full and meaningful life, one which can hardly be explored in only an hour! Listeners will also learn a little about the ideas behind her books and the uncertainty of what the future holds now, tune in to hear all about it!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Mallika's birth, childhood years, and fuzzy memories of the time.

  • Experiences of racism on arrival in the US.  

  • The bad habits that Mallika's father, Deepak, had in her younger years.   

  • A major shift in the Chopra family — Mallika's father's spiritual rebirth through meditation.  

  • Mallika's memories of meeting and spending time with the Maharishi. 

  • Rising fame in the family and typing up all of her father's books during the '90s.  

  • Rubbing shoulders with The Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Elizabeth Taylor!  

  • Mallika's aspirations during her college years and the different career dreams she entertained.    

  • Moving to LA, launching the Heal the World Foundation, and exciting times after college. 

  • Dealing with the accusations against Michael Jackson and the upheaval that they caused. 

  • The time that Mallika spent traveling, visiting friends, and seeing the world. 

  • Falling in love at a rave, returning to the US, and enrolling at business school.  

  • Going back to school while pregnant, Tara's birth, and help from the family. 

  • Mallika's thoughts on asking for help — balancing family and career. 

  • The process of personal check-ins and re-evaluations of our purpose. 

  • The story of Mallika's interview with Eckhart Tolle, and Deepak's advice to her. 

  • Mallika's meditation books for children, and the collaborative process these entailed. 

  • Reflections on different modes of writing and the tools that have helped Mallika through these. 

  • A message about authenticity, humility, privilege, and education from Mallika. 

  • Mallika's definition of success at this moment; happiness, healthiness, connection, and purpose. 


“I think what mediation did for me was it gave me was a tool, which was my own, which helped me feel more peaceful and connected. But so much of that was about our family.” — @mallikachopra [0:22:41]

“One of the things that meditation gives is this ability to maintain an equilibrium.” — @mallikachopra [0:38:49]

“I have to very authentic and honest about whatever I am doing.” — @mallikachopra [1:02:19]

“Now I am back in that phase where I don't know what I want to do next.” — @mallikachopra [1:03:21]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Light Watkins 

Mallika Chopra 

Living with Intent 

Just Be You 

Just Breathe 

Just Feel 

Mallika Chopra on Twitter 

Intent Blog 

Deepak Chopra 

Elizabeth Taylor 

Michael Jackson 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

Heal The World Foundation 


Eckhart Tolle