Ep 72: Los Loosers with Mariana Blanco


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Ep 72: Los Loosers with Mariana Blanco

Episode 72: Show Notes

Today we get to have a conversation with the owner of the first plant-based restaurant in Latin America! Mariana Blanco started her business, Los Loosers in Mexico City about ten years ago, with the mission of convincing more people about how delicious vegan food can be.

In our chat, we get to hear what made Mariana go vegan as a young child, how feeling like the odd one out shaped her, and why she feels it is so important to change minds through her work.

Mariana also shares anecdotes from many of the important points in her journey, which has been challenging, surprising, and full of serendipity too! She unpacks the different elements of inspiration for Los Loosers, going into the meaning behind the name, how the business grew out of a small delivery service, and what has kept her going through some difficulties and hurdles. So, to hear this amazing story of spreading love and good food, be sure to listen in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  •  Mariana's mission with her cooking and why she prefers to cook for non-vegans.

  • Childhood memories from Mexico City and Mariana's favorite activities!

  • The first experiences that Mariana had of cooking and what inspired her to try.

  • Difficulties that Mariana had making friends as a child as a result of moving schools often.

  • Mariana's studies and work in the journalism field and how she entered into the professional world.

  • The first day Mariana had at a new office and the period of learning that followed.

  • The roots of Mariana's veganism; her early disgust with animal products. 

  • Where the name “Los Loosers” came from and how feeling like an outsider impacted Mariana's branding.

  • Mariana's passion for cycling, and why she equates the feeling of freedom with flying.

  • Quitting work in journalism and advertising to better align with things she cared about.

  • Teenage memories of not wanting to carry on living; difficult times in Mariana's younger years.

  • The recipe development process for Mariana and how she found her flavors and style!

  • Mariana's first iterations of her business and the simple delivery model that she started with.

  • Why the self-taught approach to food served Mariana so well!

  • Growing the business, hiring new staff, and the process of expansion over the years.

  • The bigger mission of spreading love, that is the foundation for Mariana's work!

  • Mariana's thoughts on success and how she defines it in her life.

  • Advice from Mariana to people considering a big leap of faith. 

  • Some of the amazing people that Mariana has cooked for and connected with!


“I really want to cook every day for omnivores, because by doing that, I am changing something.” — Mariana Blanco [0:09:05]

“My cuisine is based on mushrooms, wild mushrooms from Mexico, mostly from Oaxaca, and also from Japan and South Korea. It’s amazing the things that you can make with mushrooms.” — Mariana Blanco [0:10:44]

“Here in Mexico, everything is all about meat. We are meat eaters. It was very weird for someone to be rejecting food. It was not normal.” — Mariana Blanco [0:27:08]

“I’ve been very lucky to cook for amazing people.” — Mariana Blanco [0:54:36]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Light Watkins

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community

Los Loosers

Mariana Blanco on Instagram

Malcolm X

Emory Douglas