229: Plot Twist with Humble the Poet


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229: Plot Twist with Humble the Poet

Episode 229: Show Notes

In this week’s Plot Twist episode of The Light Watkins Show, we revisit the story of Humble the Poet, a renowned author, rapper, and spoken word artist, to uncover the extraordinary twists and turns of his life's journey. Humble the Poet shares an inspiring and candid story about how he faced and overcame tremendous challenges, including financial ruin and personal heartbreak.

Listeners will hear about a pivotal moment when Humble was deceived into believing he had secured a lucrative music deal, only to find himself nearly $100,000 in debt with no job and no prospects. Forced to move back in with his parents, he struggled with depression and uncertainty. Yet, instead of giving up, Humble decided to take small, determined steps toward his dream of making music.

Through perseverance and a grassroots approach, Humble began to rebuild his career. He helped his friend, popular YouTube creator Lilly Singh, and worked tirelessly on his craft. His self-published book, Unlearn, eventually caught the attention of Charlemagne the God from The Breakfast Club, setting the stage for a major turning point in his career.

Light and Humble delve into the emotional and mental aspects of hitting rock bottom and the powerful process of climbing back up. They discuss the importance of rest, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of one's passion. Humble's story is a testament to the idea that setbacks can be set up for future success.

If you’re curious how Humble the Poet finally made it onto The Breakfast Club, click here.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Humble the Poet's Deception: Discover how Humble fell for a fake music deal and ended up nearly $100,000 in debt.

  • Rock Bottom Realizations: Learn about the emotional and financial struggles that led Humble back to his parents' home.

  • Small Steps to a Big Dream: Hear how Humble took baby steps to pursue his music career despite overwhelming odds.

  • The Power of Grassroots Campaigns: Find out how Humble's dedication and grassroots efforts helped him rebuild his career.

  • Breakthrough with "Unlearn": Understand how Humble's self-published book caught the attention of Charlemagne the God and changed his life.

  • Lessons in Resilience: Gain insights from Humble on how rest, resilience, and relentless pursuit of passion can turn setbacks into setups for success.



"You believe what you want to believe. I think we're all guilty of that. We see what we want to see." — @Humblethepoet


“Stop waiting to hit rock bottom, because you won't – you’ll just go deeper and deeper and deeper." — @Humblethepoet


"If I didn't leave my job and didn't become a super struggling artist, then I wouldn't be here today."— @Humblethepoet


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Follow Humble the Poet on social media: @HumbleThePoet

Listen to Humble the Poet’s full episode here: https://www.lightwatkins.com/showhumble-the-poet