231: Plot Twist with Kelly Noonan Gores


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231: Plot Twist with Kelly Noonan Gores

Episode 231: Show Notes

In this special "Plot Twist" episode of The Light Watkins Show, Light Watkins revisits a pivotal moment from a past conversation with Kelly Noonan Gores, the creator and director of the acclaimed documentary HEAL. Kelly shares the inspiring story of how her deep curiosity and a life-changing discovery led her to follow her heart and pursue a dream she had been nurturing for over a decade.

In this bite-sized episode, listeners will hear how Kelly, who had no prior experience directing a film, was moved to investigate the incredible stories of people who healed themselves using the power of their minds. The spark that ignited her journey was reading about a woman who healed herself of stage four cancer—a story so compelling that Kelly felt an undeniable pull to create a documentary to explore the connection between mind and body in healing.

Light and Kelly discuss the challenges she faced along the way, including self-doubt, the fear of failure, and navigating the complexities of the film industry. Kelly also reflects on the importance of trusting your intuition, following what excites you, and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that life presents.

This episode is perfect for anyone seeking inspiration to follow their passion, especially when the path forward is unclear. Whether you're a creative professional, an entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to make a meaningful change in your life, Kelly’s story will remind you that sometimes the biggest leaps of faith start with a single step in the direction of your dreams.

And if you’re curious about what was Kelly's diagnosis and how she was able to heal from it, click here.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • The Power of Curiosity: Kelly Noonan Gores shares how a deep curiosity about mind-body healing sparked her journey to create the documentary HEAL.

  • A Life-Changing Story: Kelly was inspired by a woman’s miraculous recovery from stage four cancer, which became the catalyst for her film.

  • Overcoming Self-Doubt: Despite having no experience, Kelly took a leap of faith to pursue her vision, trusting the process would guide her.

  • Trusting Intuition: Kelly emphasizes the importance of following what excites you and listening to your inner guidance.

  • Navigating Challenges: The episode explores the unexpected twists and turns Kelly faced while making HEAL and how she overcame them.

  • The Ripple Effect of Impact: Kelly reflects on how her documentary has influenced others and the importance of sharing stories that inspire healing and change.




"I just had this awareness like I need to follow what gives me energy and let go of something that is no longer feeding me that curiosity and passion." — @KellyNGores


"I just tried to not lean in and force but just offer up kind of a tray of options and encourage them to explore what felt best for them." — @KellyNGores


"You just have to allow people to have their journey and hold space with love and not impose your beliefs on them." — @KellyNGores


"It doesn't matter if it feels truthful to anybody else, it feels truthful to you, and then it compels you to start doing things that continue to improve your physical experience." — @KellyNGores


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Follow Kelly on social media: @KellyGores

Listen to Kelly Noonan Gores’ full episode here: https://www.lightwatkins.com/show/kelly-gores