235: Plot Twist with Rangan Chatterjee


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235: Plot Twist with Rangan Chatterjee

Episode 235: Show Notes

In this episode of The Light Watkins Show, host Light Watkins sits down with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, renowned author and host of the Feel Better, Live More podcast, to explore the deep connection between happiness, success, and what truly matters in life. Dr. Chatterjee shares his personal journey of discovering the importance of core happiness, a concept he developed and discusses in his latest book, "Happy Mind, Happy Life."

Dr. Chatterjee's story is both powerful and relatable, rooted in his experience caring for his immigrant father, who sacrificed his health while striving to provide a better life for his family. This challenging time led Dr. Chatterjee to rethink what success really means and how easily it can be confused with true happiness.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Chatterjee introduces the idea of core happiness as a "three-legged stool" supported by alignment, contentment, and control. He explains how each of these elements plays a crucial role in living a fulfilling life and offers practical advice on how to strengthen these "legs" to achieve lasting happiness.

Listeners will gain valuable insights into why many of us chase the wrong dreams and how to realign our goals with what truly brings joy and satisfaction. Whether you're struggling with stress, feeling unfulfilled, or simply looking for ways to enhance your well-being, this episode provides actionable tips and inspiring stories that will encourage you to rethink your approach to success and happiness.

And if you’re curious to know how the rest of his story plays out, click here.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • The Influence of Family: Hear how caring for his father shaped Dr. Chatterjee’s approach to medicine and life.

  • Lessons from Loss: Dr. Chatterjee shares how his father's passing led to deep reflections on life and happiness.

  • The Three-Legged Stool: Explore the three pillars of core happiness: alignment, contentment, and control.

  • Redefining Success: Challenge your perception of success and learn why it’s often confused with happiness.

  • Practical Exercises for Happiness: Get simple, actionable exercises to help you build and maintain core happiness.

  • Navigating Public Pressure: Dr. Chatterjee discusses how being in the public eye taught him important lessons about self-worth.

  • Why Dreams Won’t Always Make You Happy: Understand the pitfalls of chasing the wrong dreams and how to avoid them.

  • Daily Practices for Balance: Learn about the daily routines and restrictions that help Dr. Chatterjee maintain a balanced life.



"We are confusing success with happiness. We're chasing things that we think are going to make us happy, but we neglect the things that truly are going to make us happy in the process." — @drchatterjeeuk


“Core happiness is this model I created for the new book to really try and help people understand that happiness is a muscle that you can strengthen. It's a skill that you can develop." — @drchatterjeeuk


"When your inner values and your external actions start to match up more and more, that is when you are living more aligned." — @drchatterjeeuk


"Happiness is something you can train; you can get good at if you know what to work on."— @drchatterjeeuk


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Follow Rangan on social media: @drchatterjee

Listen to Ranga’s full episode here: https://www.lightwatkins.com/show/rangan-chatterjee