215: Plot Twist Episode with Rev. Michael B. Beckwith


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215: Plot Twist Episode with Rev. Michael B. Beckwith

Episode 215: Show Notes

In this Plot Twist episode, we bring you an extraordinary story from Reverend Michael Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center. With a congregation of over 9,000 people each week, Reverend Beckwith is a prominent thought leader featured in the film and book, "The Secret," and has been a guest on Oprah several times. He's also the author of several spiritual books and hosts the popular podcast, Take Back Your Mind.

But Reverend Beckwith’s journey to becoming a spiritual leader wasn’t straightforward. He started as an atheist and had a stint as a pharmaceutical distributor. In this episode, we delve into the pivotal moment that changed his life forever.

Reverend Beckwith recounts the time he was arrested for selling marijuana and how this life-altering experience redirected him toward his true path. Despite the dire situation, he remained calm and centered, guided by an inner voice that assured him he would walk free. He shares how the illegal actions of the police led to his release and how this miraculous turn of events deepened his faith and commitment to a spiritual life.

You’ll hear about his transformation from a life of dealing drugs to becoming a respected spiritual teacher. Reverend Beckwith’s story is filled with remarkable incidents, like his vision of Agape while in Mexico and the profound moment when he fully surrendered to his spiritual calling.

Join us as Reverend Beckwith opens up about the challenges, miracles, and divine interventions that shaped his journey. This episode is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and following one’s true calling. Listen in and be inspired to embrace your plot twists, knowing they might lead you to your true purpose.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Arrest and Turning Point: Reverend Michael Beckwith shares the story of his arrest for selling marijuana, an event that dramatically changed his life's direction.

  • Inner Guidance and Faith: Despite the arrest, Beckwith felt a deep inner assurance that he would walk free, highlighting his strong faith and spiritual intuition.

  • Miraculous Release: The police's illegal actions led to his unexpected release from custody, reinforcing his belief in divine intervention and destiny.

  • Vision of Agape: During a visit to Mexico, Beckwith had a powerful vision of founding the Agape International Spiritual Center, which became a cornerstone of his spiritual journey.

  • Early Struggles and Commitment: Beckwith talks about the early days of his spiritual practice, including teaching classes, hosting seminars, and the formation of his first vision group in his living room.

  • Foundation of Agape International Spiritual Center: The episode concludes with the story of Agape's first service on November 30, 1986, and how it has grown into a thriving spiritual community under Beckwith's leadership.



"Now the inner voice told me I was walking totally free. It had already said, ‘This is not your destiny. Don't even worry about it.’ That's when everybody thought I was crazy." — Rev. Michael B. Beckwith


"When I finally said yes to establishing a spiritual community, my neck popped into place. I never had to go back to the chiropractor." — Rev. Michael B. Beckwith


"It wasn't about business plans. It wasn't about linear strategy. It was about becoming the consciousness of Agape, the consciousness of love, the consciousness of connection." — Rev. Michael B. Beckwith


"My whole life was just totally about anything about the spirit." — Rev. Michael B. Beckwith


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Follow him on social media: @michaelbbeckwith

Listen to the rest of Rev. Michael's story in Episode 154