Ep 12: Friends of the High Line with Robert Hammond


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Friends of the High Line with Robert Hammond

Episode 12: Show Notes.

The High Line is one of New York City's most iconic landmarks. Rising above street level, the park is an accessible and beautiful space that has regenerated a historic and forgotten place for locals and visitors alike. Joining us on the show is one of the forces behind this amazing project, Robert Hammond.

Robert has always had a number of things on the go in his life at any given time. He admits that it seems to suit him to not focus solely on one avenue and rather juggle a bunch of projects. We hear from Robert about his upbringing, his unconventional home life, and his mother's artistic and unusual activities. Robert maps out how this led into the later parts of his life; a teenage fascination with Russia, business ambitions with reservations, and a lively social life! We hear from our guest about his somewhat serendipitous connection to the 'the high line' and the seeds that became his big passion project.

Throughout our conversation, Robert does a great job of bringing his accomplishments back down to earth with mentions of his doubts, anxieties, and other struggles. His story is such a good example of a true look into big achievements and how reality is often quite different from a perception. Now a certified meditation teacher, parent, and still involved and in love with his work at the High Line project, Robert continues to juggle work, family, and his curiosity in a wonderfully unique way. Join us to hear it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Robert's unconventional early childhood experiences and activities.

  • The feelings that Robert went through realizing how he and his mother were a bit different. 

  • Robert's obsession with Russia and his visits during his teen years.

  • Aspirations for business and banking and the struggles that Robert faced finding a job after college. 

  • Life in New York City, finding a community of gay friends, and partying a lot.

  • Resigning from Ernst & Young; considering business school and finding work at a startup.

  • How Robert found some meaning in his sales work and how these lessons applied to his social life.  

  • Depression, anxiety, and therapy; Robert's coping mechanisms during his late 20s.  

  • Robert's work for The Body and his desire to paint in the evenings as an outlet.

  • How Robert heard about the looming demolishment of The High Line and started thinking about it.

  • The part that Robert's determination and drive played in seeing through his interest in the project. 

  • Falling in love with the High Line project and getting serious about seeing it through.  

  • The continuous array of jobs and projects that Robert liked to do simultaneously.  

  • Robert's partnership with Josh and how they stayed committed to the project through doubtful times.

  • The huge impact that Vedic meditation has had on Robert's life. 

  • Challenges that Robert's professional life has posed for him; dealing with interpersonal dynamics and issues. 

  • Robert's travels to India, meditation training and teaching and returning to the High Line. 

  • The lessons that Robert has learned and now teaches around capturing value on projects. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Robert Hammond

The High Line

Robert Hammond on Twitter

Robert Hammond on Instagram


Nicholas and Alexandra

Goldman Sachs

Ernst & Young

Louise Hay

Thích Nhất Hạnh



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