Ep 149: You Are Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta


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Ep 149: You Are Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta

Episode 149: Show Notes

All of us are shaped by our circumstances. From the type of family we’re born into to the kind of neighborhood we grow up in, every facet of our existence can influence the course of our lives. Finding a way to alter that trajectory sometimes requires not just an outer intervention, but an inner shift in perspective. Such was the case for today’s guest, Rosie Acosta, an author, speaker, meditation and mindfulness instructor, host of the Radically Loved Podcast, and yoga teacher trainer.

Rosie grew up in East Los Angeles, and, while growing up, was exposed to countless acts of violence. It was only some years later that she would be diagnosed with PTSD — long after experiencing troubling anxiety and panic attacks as a teen — allowing her to fully grasp the impact those traumas had had on her.

In our conversation with Rosie, we talk about the complex environment she grew up in, how she navigated the constant threat of gang violence, and the key moments that set her on a different path. She shares how an interaction with a police officer ignited a defiant part of her spirit and the serendipitous childhood experience that made her feel like she was living on borrowed time, before reflecting on the impactful book (given to her by her mother) and unique circumstances that would provide her with a vitally important introduction to yoga and meditation. We also discuss Rosie’s recently released book, You Are Radically Loved: A Healing Journey to Self-Love, her evolution as a yogi and yoga teacher, and her philosophy on radical love.

There is so much to be learned from Rosie’s journey and her outlook on life, and we’re profoundly grateful to have had her on the show. Listen in for an abundant conversation on acceptance, growth, and what it means to navigate an imperfect world with love, grace, and compassion!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The release of Rosie’s book You Are Radically Loved and the best interviews she’s had.

  • Rosie’s upbringing in East Los Angeles as the child of Mexican parents.

  • Her experience of growing up as a Spanish speaker and learning English as a child.

  • How growing up surrounded by many languages made Rosie a better listener.

  • What Rosie’s parents taught her about equality, compassion, humility, and grace.

  • How East Los Angeles differs from on-screen portrayals of Hollywood.

  • Insights into the type of gang violence that took place in Rosie’s neighborhood growing up.

  • How the constant threat of violence and death affected her as a teenager.

  • The story of how Rosie tragically lost two of her friends in a flash flooding incident.

  • Rosie’s reflection on how this incident caused an existential crisis in her.

  • How Rosie fell in with the wrong crowd and the incident that caused her arrest.

  • Rosie recounts the moment that made her feel like she could make a different choice for the trajectory of her life.

  • What Rosie’s probation taught her and how it introduced her to therapy.

  • Rosie’s 100 hours of community service and how it broadened her perspective.

  • The hardest part of Rosie’s probation: cutting herself off from her friends.

  • How Rosie started getting panic attacks and anxiety as a teenager.

  • Understanding the trauma Rosie experienced as a teenager and the PTSD that it caused.

  • The book that started Rosie on a spiritual path and her introduction to meditation and yoga.

  • How Rosie continued on her search for balance, all while putting excessive pressure on herself as a young adult.

  • Why Rosie felt drawn to her friends and family who were in Alcoholics Anonymous or pursuing sobriety.

  • How she decided to quit drinking and deepen her commitment to finding well-being.

  • The Radically Loved brand and the blog post that started it all.

  • Rosie’s definition of being radically loved and why it’s about being radically present.

  • Learn about Rosie’s podcast and her advice to anyone looking to start one.

  • Rosie’s thoughts and reflections on love and her desire to build a world where love is ever-present.

  • What success means to Rosie and how she is learning to shift her definition of it.


“I think the hardest part wasn't all the community service. It wasn't jumping through hoops and having a curfew. It was cutting myself off from my people, my tribe, the people who I had grown up with.” — @RosieAcosta [0:42:18]


“It's so funny because I would call it a spiritual awakening. But really, all it was, was me feeling my body breathing. Because up until that point, I had never felt safe in my body.” — @RosieAcosta [0:51:54]


“There are plenty of people with potential that'll never have the opportunity to move forward. Because of their circumstances, or where they live, or [the] political system. But the potential is there.” — @RosieAcosta [01:06:53]


“It's not a state of bliss, or wholeness, or contentment. These are the goals, right? They are the aspirations. But for me — to be radically loved is to be radically present.” — @RosieAcosta [01:10:46]


“I don't know what's going to happen [in] the next hour, the next day, the next year. But I do know that I'm here, right now, in this moment, in this time, and everything I need is right here, right now, in this perfect moment.” — @RosieAcosta [01:11:02]


“I wanted to build a world and a space where that love is just present. I think, in our world, and the world of spirituality, wellness — it's beautiful fertile ground to practice that type of acceptance, and that type of unconditional love.” — @RosieAcosta [01:18:18]


“To me, success is just an ability to feel at peace and accept where you are.” — @RosieAcosta [01:23:33]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Rosie Acosta

Rosie Acosta on Instagram

Rosie Acosta on YouTube

The Radically Loved Podcast

You Are Radically Loved: A Healing Journey to Self-Love

Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying

The Autobiography of a Yogi

Sahara Rose

Walter Mercado

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Ruben Rojas

Chase Chewning

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community