Ep 135: Govt Cheese with Steven Pressfield


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Ep 135: Govt Cheese with Steven Pressfield

Episode 135: Show Notes

Any aspiring artist will be familiar with the litany of challenges that come with producing creative work; from overcoming self-doubt and generating ideas, to making a career out of your artistic output.

As a bestselling author, today's guest is no stranger to the inner resistance that can hamper your creative journey. Regular listeners might recognize our guest Steven Pressfield, not just from his work as a bestselling author of titles like The War of Art and Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be, but also from his previous appearances on The Light Watkins Show.

Not only has Steven produced a wealth of engrossing works of fiction and non-fiction, he has also written extensively about the writing process, overcoming resistance, and what it means to create art. His non-fiction work has helped countless artists and writers (including our very own Light Watkins) overcome their inner resistance, find their voice, and share their truth through their chosen art form.

In today’s conversation, we discuss Steven’s latest book Govt Cheese: A Memoir and what inspired him to write it. Steven goes on to expand on why he is a big proponent of listening to the muse when inspiration strikes, and how your ego can get in the way of the writing process.

We also discuss the types of journeys that artists need to go on, why the artist’s life may seem boring at times, and some of the key lessons Steven learned about the writing process from mentors throughout his life.

Today’s episode covers a range of topics; from spirituality to trucking, and is filled with special anecdotes and insights from Steven’s life, so be sure to tune in for all the fascinating details!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A warm welcome to returning guest and friend of the show, Steven Pressfield.

  • Steven’s work as a truck driver and what it taught him about professionalism.

  • Why individuals who create their own work need to learn how to be their own boss.

  • Steven’s experience as a screenwriter and why he chose to leave the film industry.

  • How Steven became inspired to write The Legend of Bagger Vance.

  • Steven’s belief in the muse and why creativity does not exist in the realm of reason.

  • The audience Steven had in mind while writing his memoir, Govt Cheese.

  • What Steven learned from delivering government cheese to churches and how it inspired the title of his memoir.

  • The challenge of keeping your need for validation out of the creative process.

  • Steven and Light’s views on spirituality and what lies at the core of who we are.

  • The concept of reincarnation and past lives and how it informs Steven and Light’s point of view.

  • Understanding The Artist’s Journey versus The Hero’s Journey and how they differ.

  • How being passionate about your work can challenge your relationship with your partner.

  • What Steven does to confront his self-doubt during the writing process.

  • What Steven does to prepare his books for release.

  • Why it’s so important to choose the right person to give feedback on your work.

  • The mentor-mentee relationship that had the biggest impact on Steven’s writing.

  • The art of producing a memoir and writing the details of past events.

  • How the experience of writing fiction versus nonfiction differs for Steven.

  • How Steven’s source of inspiration has changed over the years.


“When you write something, you really learn it. When you have to actually put it [into] words and on paper, and answer the question, what do I really think about this? What do I really know about it?” — Steven Pressfield [0:12:58]


“If the Muse is watching over my shoulder, [and] she just gave me this idea. If I turn around to her and say, ‘How about if I just do this on weekends?’. She's gonna fire me.” — Steven Pressfield [0:20:04]


“I felt that in my bones at that moment, I just had to do it. I had to do it every day. And complete immersion, total commitment.” — Steven Pressfield [0:20:23]


“I wanted to give people who are readers of mine the full story in a way that would encourage them. Because a lot of that stuff, the story behind the story, is about stuff that's completely non-glamorous.” — Steven Pressfield [0:23:40]


“I feel like our life as creative people, or as artists, or whatever is divided into two halves.” — Steven Pressfield [0:50:16]


“What is my gift? Why did God put me on this planet? And how can I deliver that load? How can I give this gift.” — Steven Pressfield [0:51:00]


“It's very, very hard to know what's wrong with something when you read it. But it's even harder to know how to fix what's wrong.” — Steven Pressfield [01:00:43]


“Keep working, because you're going to get better.” — Steven Pressfield [01:16:09]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield on Instagram
Steven Pressfield on YouTube

Steven Pressfield on Facebook

Steven Pressfield on Twitter

The War of Art

Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be

Govt Cheese: A Memoir

Ep 42: The Warrior Archetype with Steven Pressfield

Ep 114: Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Is with Steven Pressfield

Elizabeth Gilbert

Twyla Tharp

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

Knowing Where to Look

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