Ep 107: The Happy Pear with David & Stephen Flynn


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Ep 107: The Happy Pear with David & Stephen Flynn

Episode 107: Show Notes

How we choose to nourish and sustain our bodies is at the center of the type of life we live, and can determine so much of how we feel and act in the world.

Today on the Light Watkins Show, we are joined by Steve and Dave Flynn, who you may know as the twin faces of The Happy Pear. Our guests have been helping people all over the world eat more delicious, plant-based diets and live better lives for the better part of the last two decades!

In our chat we chart the most important parts of the brothers' journey, from their early days in Ireland to their time at university, travels, and starting their business. They have always viewed their work as a way to sell a better way of life, and not just simply as a vegetable shop, which is how they began almost twenty years ago.

We talk about the value of community, movement, discomfort, and some of the elements of their lives that they see as the most impactful. Steve and Dave share thoughts on their morning routines, and what a sunrise swim does for their mental and spiritual state. We also get into meditation, yoga, and a whole lot more, so do not miss this great episode.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Steve and Dave's upbringing in a small, Irish village and what this lifestyle entailed.

  • Growing up as a twin and their early feelings about what this meant.

  • Exploring the cultural ideas around success and brands that were around in the '90s.

  • Aspirations for material wealth and the subsequent disillusionment with these ideals.

  • The genesis of Steve and Dave's exploration into vegetarianism and eating more healthily.

  • The responses that our guests received about their changes in diet and philosophy.

  • Books, people, and experiences that guided the brothers' journey.

  • First steps to starting the Happy Pear business and brand.

  • Steve and Dave's approach to business and the playful philosophy they brought to it.

  • The evolution of the twins' morning routine; early rising for the markets, sunrise swims, and more!

  • Exploring the effects of confronting our fears and jumping in the ocean at sunrise.

  • Approaches to business, and increased financial responsibility as a vehicle for social change.

  • How Steve and Dave balance the different parts of business, as two very similar personalities.

  • Thoughts on hiring, firing, and building a team that embodies the value of the company.

  • The twins' experiences working with Jamie Oliver and the biggest lessons they took away.

  • A little about the Flynns' new book and the vegetables it highlights!

  • Unpacking the sustainable hierarchy that Steve and Dave have developed and their prioritization of progress over perfection.

  • The regenerative farm that the Flynns have recently founded.

  • Why discomfort is such a healthy part of human life!

  • Thoughts on giving up alcohol and the effect this had on the twins' path.

  • How our guests look at success and its connotations at this point in their lives.

  • Advice that Steve and Dave would give their younger selves!


“Being an identical twin, we're super competitive, because you have always been competing for everything. Competing for dinner, competing for a rugby ball, or competing for a tennis ball, or competing for your mother's love and attention.” — @thehappypear [0:11:21]


“That was the start of our own individual journeys of seeing what else life had on offer really, and what felt true for us.” — @thehappypear [0:14:43]


“We decided we wanted to start a vegetable shop to change the world. It was quite a journey of transformation and quite a period of change within ourselves internally as much as externally.” — @thehappypear [0:17:29]

“This was the start of us understanding that food was more than simply sustenance.” — @thehappypear [0:21:09]

“They were selling vegetables. We were selling a better way of life.” — @thehappypear [0:35:40]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The Happy Pear

The Veg Box: 10 Vegetables, 10 Ways

The Happy Pear on Twitter

Autobiography of a Yogi

The Alchemist


The Glass Bead Game

Tony Robbins

Patch Adams

Judy Wicks

Jamie Oliver

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community