Featured Masterclass:

Finding Your Purpose

Are you ready to live a life of greater purpose? This 6-week masterclass is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide that will help you discover what makes your heart light up, and then successfully incorporate more of that into your life.

This masterclass will help you to understand the 'compound interest' of happiness - how small, consistent actions can lead to significant, long-lasting joy. You'll learn to identify your core values. Most importantly, we'll equip you with practical, actionable steps you can start taking today to bring you closer to your true purpose.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

How To Move On From A Breakup Masterclass

Finding it impossible to move on after heartbreak? This masterclass is a blueprint for successfully moving on after that rejection—but without becoming bitter or resenting your ex. Over these 6 weeks, you will use meditation and a host of other daily practices to become the BEST version of yourself.

This masterclass will teach you effective strategies for dealing with rejection, discover how to rebuild your self-esteem and learn practical techniques that you can do today to move towards a future that's more aligned with your authentic self, setting the foundation for healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Struggling with the endless loop of overthinking? This masterclass is a 6-week program tailored to help equip you to minimize those overthinking tendencies.

This course offers practical tools and strategies to break that pattern. You'll discover how different thought patterns emerge and learn tactics to stop overthinking in its tracks, including ways to challenge and minimize unconscious assumptions. The course will also help you understand overthinking as a symptom and will teach you proactive methods that you can use today to prevent it from taking over.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Dreaming of a life filled with abundance? This masterclass is a practical, meditation-centric program that teaches you how to manifest REAL ABUNDANCE from the inside-out.

This 6-week course will guide you through understanding what true abundance means, which goes beyond mere appearances. You'll learn to build a foundation for abundance by reshaping your narrative, using focused attention to cultivate a new reality, and reframing your thoughts as they happen. You'll also learn practical strategies that you can do today to overcome negative self-talk that can hinder your journey to abundance.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Is fear holding you back? This masterclass is a practical, meditation-centric program that teaches you how to navigate your fears from the inside-out.

In this 6-week course, you'll dive deep into understanding your relationship with fear, examining the reasons behind it and its impact on your life. You'll learn that much of what causes fear is often benign and subjective, and you'll be guided to identify your greater mission, using it as a powerful tool to overcome underlying fears.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Ready to find 'The One'? This masterclass is a 6-week bootcamp for becoming the best version of you while getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on what kind of partner you want.

This course provides practical tools for personal growth and clarity, not just in your romantic endeavors, but in all relationships you'll have. You'll learn to enhance your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, which is fundamental in attracting and maintaining healthy relationships of all kinds. You’ll also be guided in identifying and avoiding relationship red flags, help you create a personal mission statement that informs your interactions, and address common myths about finding 'The One.' Additionally, you'll acquire skills to recognize narcissistic traits and navigate the complexities of modern dating, including the use of dating apps, which are valuable in both romantic and other interpersonal relationships.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Ready to tap into your true potential and live a more fulfilled life? This masterclass is a practical, meditation-centric program that teaches you to unlock your true potential from the inside-out.

In this 6-week course, you'll explore how to cultivate a mindset of openness and curiosity about your possibilities. You'll learn to face your truth boldly and without judgment, spot the best direction for your personal growth, and understand what to expect as you move toward your potential. The masterclass also teaches you to connect with your inner guidance, focusing on positive aspects of your journey and taking small but significant steps towards your goals. Additionally, you'll gain insights into differentiating between your potential and your purpose and learn practical strategies that you can do today to manage feelings of overwhelm.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Ready to "Be Yourself" in the most authentic way? This masterclass is a 6-week journey to become your truest and best self. This masterclass is a pathway to genuine self-discovery.

In this masterclass, you'll engage in a deep exploration of self-awareness. You'll discover the quickest ways to connect with your true self and how to expedite this process. Learn to use your uncomfortable moments as opportunities for tapping into authenticity and use the power of your own expectations to empower your perspective. The course also covers strategies for navigating negative assumptions and becoming more self-referential, practical tips for increasing self-awareness and presence, and real-world methods to measure your progress in embracing radical authenticity.

Subscribe to our ALL-ACCESS Pass today and get unlimited access to all of our masterclasses. Plus, you’ll get to meditate with Light LIVE on Zoom once a week.

Become an ALL-ACCESS PASS Member to access all the current and upcoming Masterclasses plus:

✔️ Lifetime access to ALL existing and future 30 and 108-Day Challenges ($3,730)

✔️ Lifetime access to Light's online community ($1,540)

✔️ Lifetime access to our 7-Day Meditation Kickstart ($145)

✔️ Unlimited access to LIVE Zoom meditations with Light every Wednesday ($535)

✔️ PLUS Ongoing Discounts to Light's in-person retreats & events ($1250)

✔️ 2,000+ members who are dedicated to doing inner work and helping you become the best version of yourself (priceless)

Total value: $9,555

All yours for only $9,555 $29/mo or $299/yr

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