Day 21
Take me back to the lesson for Day 20
Here's your suggested reading from Bliss More:
Read the final chapter, which is Chapter 13 (Chapter 17 in the audiobook) (12 mins)
Since this is the last day of our challenge, we need to go over what to expect moving forward.
How to know if you're on track?
Sometimes, life will be hectic, but you may still notice that you are able to do less (than normal) but accomplish more (than usual). In other words, because meditation expands awareness, it allows you to have more energy and make better choices.
And how to tell if you've gone astray?
Mostly, because you stop meditating regularly. And stress starts controlling your life again. And adapting to even the smallest changes begins to feel like a uphill battle.
The 4 keys to longterm success (in order of importance)
Complete your exchange!
This gives you much-needed skin in the game. Without it, you will not value your practice long enough for it to survive the inevitable pitfalls and obstacles presented by daily life and the old habit of not meditating for years.
Keep reviewing the E.A.S.Y. technique
The E.A.S.Y. approach is also EASY to forget if we don't review it every now and again. It's mostly because our conditioning is to be anything but E.A.S.Y., so make sure to re-read or re-listen Bliss More every few months until you know the principles by heart.
Be consistent
Nothing beats good ol' consistency. Just remember that stress isn't taking any days off, so neither should you if you want to succeed at meditation.
And no matter what...
Have fun and enjoy the ride
Your Meditation Challenge
Leave an Amazon review for Bliss More. Seeing your reviews helps me as a writer and teacher, and it helps publishers decide to invest in other books about meditation like Bliss More. An Amazon review is like a vote for what kind of books you want to see more of. And as you may know, there are hundreds of meditation books telling people that they need to overcome their “monkey mind” in order to succeed at meditation, while Bliss More frames the mind as our ally, not our enemy. The old paradigm leads many new meditators feeling discouraged and eventually disqualifying themselves from thinking they can meditate. Your brief review can inspire people around the world to not to give up on their practice or to try an EASY(er) way to meditate. So please please take a couple of minutes to help me spread the word about how to meditate the E.A.S.Y. way.
Accountability Exercise
You started this challenge by posting a pre-challenge selfie. Today, post another selfie or image that represents the way you feel after 21days of meditating. Make sure to tag #blissmore and #blissmorechallenge on your post, and take an extra minute to "like" some of the other posts under the #blissmorechallenge hashtag.
Sample accountability post
Today was the final day of my 21-day #blissmore meditation challenge. This is me after meditating 21 days in a row. I can honestly say I look forward to meditating now. Pick up a copy of #blissmore and transform your meditation practice too! #blissmorechallenge
What's next?
Some people who've completed the challenge are continuing on for 90 days. Follow them at #blissmoreonfor90days and maybe you'll be inspired to continue for 90 days as well.
In the meantime, I'll be reaching out with more tips and updates about Bliss More. Continue to enjoy your practice and PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW. Help me spread the word that Bliss More is the rare book that fulfills on its promise of showing you how to succeed in meditation without really trying.
Until next time!
— Light
(Follow #blissmore to see everyone’s progress)