Ep 58: Heal with Kelly Noonan Gores


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Heal with Kelly Noonan Gores

Episode 58: Show Notes.

Our mental health and our physical health are inextricably connected, and our guest on today’s show has a passion for helping people tap into the power that exists within all of us to heal ourselves.

After many, many years of exploration into the field, and through experiencing the incredible effects of natural remedies and a positive mindset first hand, Kelly Noonan Gores created a documentary, aptly titled Heal. Heal topped the charts on iTunes, and even made it onto Netflix (after their announcement that they wouldn’t be releasing any more independent films).

In today’s episode, you’ll hear about Kelly’s personal healing journey, and gain a few insights into the stories that you can expect to hear in the film. She also shares the rollercoaster of emotions that she experienced while making Heal, books and practices which have been a key part of her process, and some very valuable advice for anyone who has a dream!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A glimpse into what Kelly’s life was like growing up.

  • How Kelly’s upbringing has impacted her life.

  • Health issues that Kelly suffered with in high school, and the alternative remedy which finally resolved them.

  • Mixed emotions that Kelly felt towards the acting she did as a child.

  • Psychological barriers that were getting in the way of Kelly’s dreams, which led her down a path of discovery.

  • The book which gave Kelly her spirit back.

  • Kelly’s methods for keeping herself happy and fulfilled.

  • Why Kelly decided to create her documentary, Heal.

  • Feelings that helped Kelly realize that her true path was not acting.

  • The final straw which motivated Kelly to produce Heal, after 10 years of developing it.

  • Gratitude journaling, and the positive impact that Kelly feels it has had on her.

  • How Kelly recruited the people who would feature in her documentary.

  • Elements that Kelly felt confident about when it came to making Heal, and elements which she was nervous about.

  • Kelly runs us through the experience of the first interview she did for Heal.

  • How Heal differs from other documentaries about healing.

  • The two healing stories which are documented in Heal, and the short film that Kelly created alongside it.

  • Not imposing her beliefs onto others is a key part of Kelly’s philosophy.

  • A diagnosis that Kelly received when she wasn’t even aware that anything was wrong.

  • Kelly’s thoughts on knowing what is the right healing method to make use of.

  • The impacts of emotions such as fear and stress on your physical health.

  • Findings that Kelly was surprised by through the process of making Heal.

  • Positive changes that often occur in people’s lives when they are diagnosed with a disease.

  • Fears that Kelly felt around releasing Heal, and words of encouragement for anyone who is on a learning journey. 

  • The public response to Heal.

  • Book recommendations for anyone who is interested in natural healing and the power of the mind.

  • Finding balance; the key to success.

  • Work that Kelly is currently doing that is keeping her fire burning.


“Resonate is such a spiritual community word that people say, but there's no other way to describe it. It's just this knowing that what you're reading feels so truthful to you. It doesn't matter if it feels truthful to anybody else, it feels truthful to you, and then it compels you to start doing things that continue to improve your physical experience.” — @kellyngores [0:25:47]

“I just had this awareness that I need to follow what gives me energy and let go of something that is no longer feeding me that curiosity and passion.” — @kellyngores [0:28:02]


I genuinely want to help people, but you can't impose your beliefs on them. So, I just tried to not lean in and force but just offer up kind of a tray of options and encourage them to explore what felt best for them.” — @kellyngores [0:52:53]


“We talk about disease as like a wakeup call to shine the light on some of these belief systems or habits or lifestyle behaviors that we have that we need to change that aren't in alignment with our highest good.” — @kellyngores [01:08:24]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Heal Documentary


The Heal Podcast

A Return to Love

The Secret

The Law of Attraction

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

The Biology of Belief

Dying To Be Me

Celebrate Your Life

ILLUMINATE Film Festival

Deepak Chopra

Bruce H. Lipton

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Gregg Braden

Dr. Darren Weissman

Marianne Williamson

Dr. Sue Morter

Radical Remission


Chris Beat Cancer

Kris Carr

Joan Borysenko

You Can Heal Your Life

Wishes Fulfilled

Power of Intention

Michael Beckwith

Light Watkins

The Happiness Insiders Community