Ep 104: State Change with Dr. Robin Berzin


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Ep 104: State Change with Dr. Robin Berzin

Episode 104: Show Notes

Too often, conventional medicine treats the body as separate from the mind, ignoring physical issues like chronic illness or weight gain, but science shows that these issues are often intricately entwined with mood issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

Today’s guest believes that we have the inherent capacity to create a powerful shift or ‘state change’ within ourselves and take control of our health, by ourselves, for ourselves.

Tuning in, you’ll hear from Dr. Robin Berzin, who is the Founder and CEO of Parsley Health, America's leading holistic medical practice designed to help women overcome chronic conditions. She founded Parsley to address the rising tide of chronic disease in America through personalized holistic medicine that puts food, lifestyle, and proactive diagnostic testing on the prescription pad, right next to conventional medications.

Since founding Parsley in 2016, Robin has seen 80 percent of her patients improve or resolve their chronic conditions within their first year of care, demonstrating the life-changing value of making modern holistic medicine accessible to everyone, anywhere.

Her new book, State Change, offers readers a 30-day program for reaching a new level of energy, clarity, and calm based on one paradigm-shifting idea: you have to change your body to change your mind and mood.

In today’s episode, Robin shares how practicing yoga inspired her to go to medical school, the story of how she came to work with Dr. Oz, and the steps she took to become the change she wanted to see in the world, as well as why her approach is centered around a real-world modern lifestyle, not a series of ‘shoulds’ and ‘should nots’, plus so much more. We hope you’ll join us for this inspiring conversation!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Insight into Robin’s upbringing in Baltimore and her decision to go into medicine, not law.

  • How she transitioned out of what she calls the coffee/Splenda/wine cycle through yoga.

  • What gave her the courage to listen to her inner voice and change her trajectory.

  • The story of how Robin began working with Dr. Oz by sending him a cold email.

  • Find out what Dr. Oz said about a bagel that changed her perspective on nutrition.

  • Robin’s experience of contributing to making health and wellness entertaining.

  • Her motivation to go into primary care and the stereotypes that exist in the medical field.

  • A glimpse into the ‘business of medicine’ and what inspired Robin to start her own holistic medical practice.

  • Defining fatigue, tips to help you sleep better, substance use versus abuse, and more!

  • Why reducing your sugar intake is the most important dietary shift you can make.

  • Why Robin’s approach is centered around a real-world modern lifestyle, not ‘shoulds’.

  • Hear her perspective on supplements as therapeutic tools, not solutions.

  • The correlation between exercise and mental health; how our bodies are designed to process emotion through movement.

  • Discover what Robin means when she says, “Your issues are in your tissues.”

  • Her experience of starting Parsley and how she came to learn that there are no rules!

  • How her idea of success has evolved to align with her pursuit of meaning and purpose.

  • Advice Robin would give her younger self: you’re building something amazing, keep going!

  • The goal of State Change, how Parsley can help you, and where the name came from.


“Like a lot of us, I was living with a concrete wall between my head and my body, proverbially speaking. Most of us only pay attention to what's happening in our body if something's wrong.” — @robinberzinmd [0:09:40]

“We have this power to create a state change for ourselves every day, in some capacity.” — @robinberzinmd [0:10:47]

“It was this combination of having this lightbulb moment, seeing the forest for the trees, thinking about what could be possible, and [having] enough exposure to people and places who said, ‘Hey, let's do this a different way.’” — @robinberzinmd [0:28:30]

“It's not that the medications aren't important. They can be really powerful and important tools [and] we prescribe them too but, as a medical community, based on the evidence, we should be prescribing exercise to every single person as first-line therapy.” — @robinberzinmd [0:44:22]

“When we have emotions, we have biochemical reactions that happen in our body. Our emotions aren't just in our heads. They are living in our bodies.” — @robinberzinmd [0:46:46]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Robin Berzin MD

Parsley Health

State Change

Robin Berzin MD on Instagram

Robin Berzin MD on LinkedIn

Robin Berzin MD on Twitter

Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

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