Ep 103: The Light Watkins Show with Light Watkins


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Ep 103: The Light Watkins Show with Light Watkins

Episode 103: Show Notes

This week, I'm publishing my very first solo episode that is not about a book that I wrote. For long-term listeners, you remember my last solo episode was about my recent book, Knowing Where To Look. And this is something that ideally want to start to do more of, solo episodes.

As you may have noticed, I've rebranded the podcast. It's no longer At The End of the Tunnel, it's now called The Light Watkins Show. And I want to take you back to how the podcast started back in 2020 and, what was going on in the background and what the original intention of the show was, and how it's evolved over the last couple of years and where I would like to see the show go in the foreseeable future.

So this is a part autobiographical, it's part masterclass, and it's part manifesto. And it's something that I plan to to continue to do on occasion, so you'll have to let me know what you think about the solo episodes and if there are any specific subjects that you want me to talk about, I'm very open to suggestions.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A glimpse into Light’s backstory, from modeling in NYC to teaching Vedic meditation in LA.

  • Why he chose to stop drinking and find a new way to socialize.

  • His mission to connect with regular people who have an uncommon mission or purpose.

  • The Ralph Waldo Emerson quote that led Light to create the first-ever Shine event.

  • What the first iterations looked like and how it came to include The Shine On Challenge.

  • How The Shine evolved into a movement and led Light to start a podcast.

  • Light’s definition of wealth, which centers on a sense of fulfillment and self-actualization.

  • One of the signs that an idea is purposeful: it won’t go away until you execute on it.

  • Where the inspiration for the name, At the End of the Tunnel, came from.

  • The early days of At the End of the Tunnel and how Light knew he was on the right path.

  • Why you can’t rely on anything staying unchanged forever; evolution is inevitable!

  • Why the pandemic was the perfect time for Light to start interviewing people remotely.

  • The network of connections that The Shine had helped him build that he was now able to leverage for the podcast.

  • Patterns Light started to notice among those he interviewed; the 'Rosa Parks moment’.

  • Why there is no such thing as the perfect time to make a change, but there is the right time.

  • Insight into the current evolution of the podcast and what is in store for the next phase.

  • What it means to be a ‘baby stepist’ and how it can propel you towards your purpose.

  • How Light hopes to encourage listeners with his story and his guest’s stories.

  • The recent rebrand to The Light Watkins Show and what it means for future content.


“My whole vibe is being around regular people, meaning people who are very much in the real world, but they have a sense of connection that may be uncommon or they have a sense of purpose that may be uncommon, or a mission that may be uncommon.” — @LightWatkins [0:13:54]

“That's one of the telltale signs that an idea is purposeful for you, is that it doesn't go away. You can't sleep it away, you can't drink it away, you can't do anything to make it go away except for execute on it.” — @LightWatkins [0:35:50]

“The light that everyone thinks is at the end of the tunnel is actually in you. When you start moving down your path, that's where your light shines the brightest and then you become the inspiration for other people to do the same.” — @LightWatkins [0:36:59]

“Everybody who I've interviewed has that ‘Rosa Parks moment’, that moment of defiance where they decide ‘I just can't take the status quo any longer. I just can't do it any longer. I can't do this. I have to do something different.’” — @LightWatkins [0:48:40]

“Baby stepists, we do baby steps. That's our thing. We take baby steps. If we can get into a place where we're able to consistently baby step our way in the direction of our purpose, our life will be completely unrecognizable within a year from now.” — @LightWatkins [0:55:56]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Light Watkins

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Light Watkins on YouTube

Light Watkins Email

How I Built This Podcast

Knowing Where to Look

The Happiness Insiders Community